God Is A Computer, Why I'm Not Religious, Life & Consciousness

All right, back with another episode on being real, this time with the green background. Because one time someone said that if I have a red light background, it's because I'm entering into demonic frequencies, and so I want to have a higher frequency, and so they suggested green. And uh, green is the Is that the heart chakra?
I think that's the heart chakra. Yeah, that's the heart chakra. So we're in the heart chakra tonight. And that will be the theme going forward, at least for the remainder of this video. Now, that's a whole other thing in and of itself, but today I want to more specifically talk about religion again. Those are the things I'm always oscillating between.
Religion, culture. how we can sort of make a better one of both and you know it's hard to do I'll be honest with you, it's hard to do, it's especially hard and draining to think about but you know I really have nothing else to do with my time so might as well just give it a shot to take a crack at making this stuff better and at least explain it so other people can understand because it really does feel as though I'm one of the only people in this reality that sees through the actual matrix and not escaping the matrix and then going on to another matrix like Allah or any of the other religions, like actually seeing the entire matrix.
Now, here's the thing about religion that you have to understand. For one, the gods that they worship, they're not even real. That's just the first absolute thing. And they're not real in the sense that You don't have to call it the specific name in order to get the response from the God. Like in programming, for instance, you know, I got this function over here I've been working on.
This function's got a bunch of different state calls, and navigation calls, and variables that are declared, and data transforms, and all this kind of stuff. In order for this code to work properly over here, I have to, I can't type a single letter incorrectly. Everything has to fit together like puzzle pieces in order to work.
Right? So it's declarative in the sense that it requires syntactical order for it to operate properly. This is why I like coding because it's in a way it's objective reality. You can have the right idea but you can have one typo and it won't work. So it requires you to think deeply about what you're doing.
And with religion, for instance... There's many different paradigms of religion that are, basically, don't even geometrically align together as ideas that can function together properly. And there's several of those, and I guess I'm just going to outline a few. So, for instance, I mean, I went to Bible camp quite a lot, I mean, basically every year until I was maybe like 15 or something.
And I remember going to Bible camp. And it wasn't just in these occasions. I mean, I went to youth groups on Sunday, uh, sometimes stuff on Thursday, always stuff on Wednesday. I was going to church like three or four times a week, basically. My whole life growing up was basically church. And I think by the time, yeah, I was probably 11 or 12, I was basically checked out.
Like, this, this doesn't make any sense. I'm not going to believe it, whatever. And from then... There are only a few different points that I really required in order to come to that conclusion. Like with most things all you have to do is find one or two points and counter arguments to cancel out an entire branch of ideas because everything else exists off of this branch or branches of a branch.
If you find the root of the problem, you'll cancel out the idea pretty pretty easily. Now, I remember what those things was This idea of, well, what about the people that never knew Jesus, never even knew of this concept altogether. So, they, they never had a Bible even. I mean, we're talking like poor countries or, I mean, whatever.
Could be anything. People that came before or the missionaries never taught them or just, just think of a person that has never actually heard the name Jesus or, or God. They never had a concept of these things. Well. Do those people still go to hell? Because, you know, they didn't say the magic phrase, Jesus come into my heart, and so, they didn't say the magical token phrase, and so they aren't granted access into the heaven, so do they just go to hell?
And in that instance, I remember them saying, well, in those special occasions, in those special occasions, it's more or less about the quality of your heart, and the intention of the person and if that's right then, you know, then they will go to heaven. And I remember them saying that with such a confidence and I remember hearing it like, oh that cancels out the entire paradigm altogether.
Because what you're basically telling me is that God is this multi dimensional recording device state generator You can just essentially live life properly and by default that becomes the access token into heaven. So you actually don't actually have to believe in Jesus. You can just live a quality life and do the right thing because in certain occasions, for people who haven't known about Jesus, you know, he just goes off the law of how they lived.
And so why I say He's like a multi dimensional state generator is because in order for that to occur, God Himself has to be recording basically every aspect of your life and knowing that if you've ever been accessed to Jesus as being a real thing for you if you've ever heard the name it cancels out that mechanism so now it is about if you Do believe in Jesus and ask Him into your heart.
Now that switch has been flipped and now that paradigm is real. So there's the state of which where if you have never heard Jesus, this mechanism works for you. And then there's the other state of where you have heard Jesus, so now you're falling under this paradigm, where you do have to ask Him into your heart to go to Heaven.
So essentially there's two different cancel routes that determine whether you go to the good place when you die. And this is just how my brain has worked for the longest time. And so when you get to that level where, okay, well God is basically determining that you have to ask Him into your heart in order to go to the good place.
Isn't the quality of how you live your life just more of a better and predictive example of who you were as a person rather than just saying the magical phrase? Like for instance, what if I just lived my life properly, lived my life Christ like, and just did that, and didn't ask Jesus into my heart?
Would I still go to hell then? Because, I mean... Like, what is the actual magic phrase of asking Jesus into your heart? What functionality is that offering the paradigm of God? Like, why does He require that from me? He is this infinite, vast, ultra dimensional, parallel thing that is so beyond our comprehension.
Why would it care about the types of words and mouth noises that I use to generate? To give me access to it because that's probably not even language that it responds to it always responds to intention It responds to your higher order Responds to the faculties inside yourself, which are so Interdimensionally connected that they're basically metaphysical properties of the soul so having that last little bit of Whether it's Jesus that you have to ask into your heart, or some say it's Jesus, or Yeshua, or Yah, or whatever it is.
These are all semantic letters and mouth noises of how we think this God requires us to address it. And what I'm basically saying is that you don't have to call it anything. And that was the moment, I think, where, I don't know, that was the moment where I cracked the matrix. And you can apply that to basically every other god as well.
You know, whether it is Allah, or, is the Jewish god a different god? Because I don't understand the difference between these things. You see, that's kind of the point, right? One of these gods apparently is real. And we're all fighting for which God. Which God's real? Which one's the real one? Well, another problem with this stuff is one of them has to be real and if that one is real then that also has to be real for me as well.
And so why would I be not called certain gods? Let's think about it for a sec. If Jesus is real and this God is out there in the ether, in the universal space time continuum. He is the God of all gods that created all things. Why do I not feel this intrinsic and almost karmic quantum pull to his name or to the idea of this?
I don't. So to follow God, To follow this very generic and traditional version of God would actually be to go against my own way of what I feel is right for me. So in some way I have to go against my intuition to follow a God because by doing that it doesn't make sense to do and so I'd rather just do what I'm supposed to do and what I want to do.
Utilizing still the principles I've learned from these ideas but... Following the orders of what I want to do. How I am perceiving reality, metaphysically, the journey of my soul. Why can't I just do that? And this is where we start to get into the problem. Where you can do that. And I think that we've been trying to tie this idea down.
We've been trying to restrict the self. Because... Restriction is the only paradigm that we know in order to remain in control. And that's what religion has basically always been. It's been a control mechanism. You know, all you sheeple need to get in line and do the right thing and build a society because if you don't, if you act out of place, you know, the God up there, he's gonna smite you down and send you to hell.
Really, like, just think about the concept of this. Does this even make any sense? Really go down the belief system, the architecture of what you believe. Does it even make sense? No. If you're honest with yourself, it doesn't make sense. Doesn't make sense. And because it doesn't make sense to you, if it doesn't, well, doesn't that sort of prove that the concept is wrong?
Because this God apparently made me. And so he made me who I am. He knew my beginning and my end. Right? That's what I always like to say. He knows your beginning, your middle, and your end. He knows how you'll turn out. Well, He, if we still want to gender this thing, He knows me, my beginning, my middle, and my end.
And He created me. And He made me all of that I am. So where exactly does the free will extend? Like, is there a limitation vertically how the time is cut, where I, okay, I'm in a free will moment right now, and then, you know, ten minutes from now, I'm no longer in a free will moment, because in order to know my beginning, my middle, and my end, in a way that makes my life basically predetermined, I mean, when you can know the beginning and the end, Everything in between is this chaotic but orderly mess towards going from one thing to the end thing, right?
Because how you go from one to the other is going to go through a series of different paths but ultimately you're going to end up at the same spot which is the ending which this God apparently knows. So God made me this bright and intelligent and smart and geometrically minded. And yet I don't believe.
So am I at fault for my own sin because I'm enacting out exactly what I believe is right for me? Which isn't even going counter to what that God would even want for me at all. I mean, I guarantee you, you take the average Christian or the average, you know, Muslim or I just think all these things are just dumb, I'm going to be completely honest with you.
You take any of these archetypes of a human being, that you can be that worships God, I guarantee you, I have a greater connection to the thing that they're all trying to connect to, easily, by a factor of like 5. I'm connected with this thing all the time. I'm interacting with the voices in my head, which are giving me lectures and downloads of shit that I, there's no way I could have camped on my own, but I'm interacting with it all the time.
I'm going, I'm getting visions of things that are so wild and so crazy. Things that have to be metaphysically ordered. Yet is that not what God is? You see, even the spiritual people, they have this problem. Spiritual people, they try to create a ritual around connection to God. Church people do it too. I mean, all the religious people have a ritual.
They connect to their God, they have to pray, they have to read this book, they gotta do this all kind of stuff. And that determines how the God will treat you, how well you're serving Him. Or, again, to even give this thing a gender is crazy because it's literally not a gender because it doesn't have a body.
Right? So anyways,
when you look through this concept clearly, when you really... allow all the religious stuff, this denseness that you feel in your life to eradicate and go completely away. You will be left feeling like there is a type of emptiness. You will be left feeling like, Oh, well what now? And that is going to happen, you know?
And I think that because that will happen, people don't necessarily like to go down the rabbit hole this deep. So, it's more or less, well, you know, I might as well just still believe in Jesus or still believe in whatever because it gives me you know, the meanings in my life. And there will be even people that say that you can't find meaning unless you have religious ideology.
And I'd say that if you're an average normal person, you're probably right. But when you are allowed to live in a way within the construction of the increasingly rich world that you can build within yourself where all the information is connected all together. You are just an observant vehicle of consciousness.
You realize that you don't have to explicitly put meaning onto anything because the higher quality of your consciousness, you will just find the meaning in everything that you look at. Right, how many of these people, these Christians or religious types, are all about war, war, war, we need more war, we need to fight the bad side because they believe...
I don't have any of these systems in place where I even think that war is something that makes sense at all. I'm beyond the paradigm altogether. War. That's one of those really old fashioned, outdated mechanisms of control. I mean, the fact that we have war in 2023 and going to 2024 conveniently, um, it doesn't make any sense that it's something that's authentic.
It seems constructed. It seems as though it's something that is artificially created to purport the division. Now, all of this ties into this stuff completely. Religion. War. Left. Right. Right, my beliefs, your beliefs, God, what is right for the world? All of these are Encapsulating patterns that when you get down to the construction of the idea and even the resonant frequency of the idea Hey, like I said, they don't make any sense really, I mean The same can be said for so many other topics.
It's actually unbelievable that so many of our people that we're supposed to look up to are still so heavily indoctrinated into systems that aren't even real. Like I was saying with the whole you know, Bible camp, religion thing, how you can cancel out the idea of the God that they believe in by just a couple simple geometrical ideas.
I mean there's so many more than that even. There's so many ideas that you can use to cancel out much larger structures. And the fact that you can even do that at all, instantiates that the paradigm that whatever you're setting isn't even real. It's only real to the degree of how much you want to place it there.
So you can quite literally believe in God and Jesus as a structure and have that be a beneficial source for you. But it doesn't mean that what you're believing is explicitly or absolutely real. It just means that it's the most helpful theme. for you to contextualize your reality. And the semantics that you use to connect with this thing is your own programming language in essence.
Because I'm connecting with the thing that everyone else is trying to connect to. And like I said before, probably connecting to it a lot better than most people because I don't have the common modes of how people connect with it. The connection I have with it is something that's almost something that's built off of the absolute trust in the nature of its mystery, which isn't that what, how you would describe what faith is?
So it's all about having faith in God, faith in Jesus, but yet I have the faith but I don't have the Jesus part, but yet I have the after effects of what this stuff is and have the direct connection with the thing while bypassing the Jesus part. So then some people would say, well that's the devil and that's Satan because Jesus is the only way.
You see, this stuff, it starts to get into this whole other paradigm where it's almost impossible to talk with these people, you know, it's impossible to reason with people that are deeply embedded into fear. I can't do it. So these are the things I think about religion. I think it's all a scam. You know, we have a lot of recent creators that are all about Allah now, they hop on the Allah train.
And, you know, I think it's just, uh, what do the kids call it? The kids call it clout, clout chasing. Um, it's a good business strategy to, you know, adopt that belief system. It's one of the truer religions that exists now because it remains the strongest and intact. Meaning, if I say anything bad against it, they'll go out and kill me.
So that values its efficacy as a thing which people stand behind, which means it's real. The more violent you can be for defending your belief systems to determine how real it is. Like, how fucking retarded is that? Just think about that. The ones who are the most violent to defend their religion are those that, ironically, probably don't believe it the most.
Because they are so offended when you don't believe. See, I have no violence towards wanting to inflict my religious ideologies. over top of anyone because, for one, I know that probably 0. 01 percent of people would even resonate with these ideas at all because most people are addicted to the fear. Most people need the fear.
They need to have their mission in life almost be this thing that they have to always get away from which is another version of themselves that they don't want to be, but we try to make it God that's after us and not actually how we're kind of after our own self. It's this really multi dimensional metaphysical journey of becoming real, and it's hard for people to do.
I've seen it time and time again. You find it with spiritual people, spiritual people, they reach a level where they are almost there, but then they just stagnate for a while, never quite make it. Why is that? You, you, you see this stuff all the time, where it's like people can get to the edge of perception, but then right when it gets really deep where it's supposed to be, where they're supposed to link around further, well, you know, they don't really want to talk about that or they, you know, switch to another thing.
You have to find where exactly you're stopping and hitting walls within yourself at every single paradigm of what you think is real. And when you find that you're the wall creator, you're building your own walls, you're designing your own perception, you're designing your own cage oftentimes too. You'll realize that when you break free of so many of those self induced patterns, how you then have to contextualize or build your reality to do so in the traditional religious frameworks doesn't even bring up.
A concept as if it's even something you should even do. Or if it's real. It's like an older paradigm. Something that's so ancient, so lost that doesn't really ring true anymore. And the thing is it doesn't have to. Right? Back to the original idea where you don't have to believe in Jesus to get the effects.
You don't have to, you know, declaratively say his name in a semantic order. In order to go to heaven, because in some cases, it was more the character and the quality of the soul more than it was, you know, the actual. If you believed or not, well, in those cases, how does God determine which those effects switch or transfer over?
Where does the time get cut and those different attributes get applied to your life? When and where and why? And how would I know? You see, when you think about it logically, There's this, there's almost this instance where people don't want to use logic because that's still material, but you'll find that when you use logic, if you use logic the right way and the right kind of logic, you'll find that you're essentially building crystalline structures of intuition, which are divine placements of things which exist in a particular order.
That's what logic is, in a sense, when we're talking about things metaphysically. Logic is this global state of things which exist the way it is. Then you can utilize these things to create lines with ideas and determine what's real or not. It's far from imaginary, it's far from making up stuff in your mind.
You're actually tapping into, it seems like, the energetic structure of how this universe is operating. Now, I don't really know how much further I want to go into that topic, but the religion thing is, is tough. You know, it's tough. People, they want a God. They really want someone to save them. They want Him to come up floating down from the sky and, you know, I believed, so take me with you.
You know, what do these people really think is going to happen when the great solar flash occurs and it comes down and we all disappear? Like, can you even describe the metaphysical transference of energy and what that would even feel like? That's the thing that you miss a lot of times with Christians.
Really anyone religiously minded at all is the feeling domain of their reality. Basically appears to be the thing they don't ever do. You know, how often do you like, imagine, and really even see in real life, Christian people, they'll like, uh, they'll be eating hot dogs and hamburgers and going to potluck where they eat macaroni and cheese and, you know, stuff down, whatever, and still go to McDonald's and all this kind of crazy stuff, I mean, you're not really honoring or worshiping your temple, are you?
You see, to believe in religion in the way that people believe it. I'm going to just say it right now. You have to be dumped down. There is something that is sucking your life force energy and keeping you in a loop because it's intrinsically not even true for one and for two, even if it is true, all the rules and the parameters that we have set for it are not needing to necessarily be followed in the exact way that we as humans believe it is because That thing is so far out and so ethereal, and like I said, it's a multidimensional state map generator that all of our humanity of what we think we need to do for it is so already accounted for in your actions and how you live that it doesn't care what you call it as a name.
It's beyond what you call it as a name. In fact, I think that people, they try to call it as a name and reach out to it. as a type of insurance because they feel as though that they can almost hide away from the fact of how they actually live. So I give the God praise and worship but I actually don't live like it so I just have to give it the praise and worship through my words and hope that it actually doesn't see all of me.
It's much more courageous to just go out there into this mysterious and strange world and be like, you know, I don't know what to call you, dude, God, whatever. But, I trust and have faith that whatever this whole construction of reality, this life game, this thing that I'm evolving and ascending through and learning so much from, that on the back end experience, it's probably all worked out, and you do got something in order, so I'm just gonna keep doing my best, and maybe at the end, it all makes sense.
You see, you can just go that life path. And wow, that like, feels so much more freeing, feels so much more like I can actually be my own self. And it actually feels like I can embrace mistakes and failure and I won't have this eternal damnation of hell that I go to. See all these things are really important to ask yourself.
And I think you would be better off if you adopted that mindset more than the ones that I have. is currently being pushed onto our society in this increasingly religious world that's occurring because again, I think it's all a trap.


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