Throughout time humans have always searched for the answers from terrains other than from deep within their own being.
These terrains most commonly have been the material dimensions and that of feeling and emotions that are generated from interacting with it.
Among the various types of distractions available, the most common is to look to the external as a means of helping one discover more of themself, by interacting with the external.
In a strange way this technically makes sense. One can’t find themself without first discovering the limitations of where they do not exist. This is why we look to things, and find what we see fascinating.
We know we will never be what we see, but it’s nice to look for a while and allow our minds to be one with the moment from time to time.
It’s a part of our nature to see through a fragmented lens, always viewing reality outwardly. In fact you’ll never see yourself the same way another sees you. Your eyes cannot look internal.
But beyond the edges and the space between your screen, there is always a constant factor.
Your attention, while always being directed at different points of view, the director within also can choose the angle from where to place the camera.
The path you’re on, is similar actually. Out of all possible timelines you find yourself in this one. How did you get here?
Where is the rest of the script? I’m clearly the main character in this movie, but I seemed to have forgot my part.
A lot of navigating reality is about the reinvention of your character until you’ve done it so many times you can hardly say you have a stable identity at all anymore.
That’s how you know you are growing - when you start to forget why you had to go on a spiritual path in the first place.
Often we feel the path we’re on, it is always in need of our own redirection. That we must keep on the lookout for when timelines may switch and to take preventative measures against interfacing with the unknown.
For the time we are entering, this attribute is no longer necessary. The path redirects on its own and follows a line of programming we’re not able to understand, but only notice the side effects of its output.
To become a Reality Designer, you must understand the path is always being rewritten. It’s being scripted all the time, like a movie with several directors that can’t seem to get the script straight.
I say, let them sort it out, and that’s the first step in understanding the way the game is played and the story is made.